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Dr. J. Theodore Brown specializes in mental health, testing, evaluations, and diagnostic services. His clinical practice focuses on conducting psychological evaluations and consultative services. He has practiced in military, government, and civilian populations.
Dr. Brown has worked with school-age children, adolescents, adults, seniors, Veterans, Police, Firemen, EMTs, and other 1st Responders. He is also available to provide consultative services regarding diagnostic issues on current functioning and for treatment planning purposes. Dr. Brown’s practice extends beyond mental health and diagnostic services and includes consulting with businesses, executives, and governmental agencies. Additional information on his practice areas can be found here.
Our office staff is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Please call 603-697-1121 and 800-729-6913 to answer general questions and to schedule appointments.
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1. Psychiatric Mental Status Exam
A comprehensive assessment to evaluate emotional, cognitive, and behavioral well-being. This service provides a detailed analysis of mood, thought processes, and mental clarity, helping identify potential psychiatric conditions. It’s the first step toward tailored mental health care and treatment strategies.
2. Forensic Evaluation, Testing and Diagnosis Out of Court
This service provides comprehensive psychological assessments tailored for non-court purposes, such as personal understanding, workplace evaluations, or legal preparedness. With expertise in forensic psychology, evaluations include mental health testing, behavioral analysis, and diagnostic clarity to address concerns related to mental well-being or substance use. Whether for personal insight or resolving disputes, this service ensures thorough, confidential, and professional assessments outside of the courtroom setting
3. Neurological Testing and Evaluation Initial Interview, Psychological and Neurological Test
A detailed evaluation designed to assess cognitive, emotional, and neurological health. This service includes an initial interview and advanced testing to identify issues like memory loss, attention deficits, or neurological disorders. Ideal for those seeking clarity on mental and brain function for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
4. Psychological Testing and Evaluation Initial Interviews, Mental Status, and Psychological Test
An in-depth service combining interviews and psychological tests to understand mental health conditions, emotional well-being, and cognitive functioning. This evaluation helps diagnose complex psychological issues and provides actionable insights for effective treatment.
5. Substance Abuse Risk Assessment and Evaluation Initial Interview, Risk Assessment Review
A focused evaluation aimed at understanding the risk and extent of substance use or addiction. Through an initial interview and detailed risk assessment, this service helps create personalized strategies for prevention, intervention, or recovery planning.
6. Substance Abuse Testing (Test Results are Anonymous)
Discreet and confidential testing to detect the presence of substances in your system. This service ensures privacy while providing accurate, anonymous results, making it an ideal choice for those seeking clarity or monitoring in substance use management.